- Secure AI Solutions for Your Business

Are you concerned about AI and data privacy?

Are you pasting confidential information into AI tools like ChatGPT?
Are you using AI but worried about where your data is going?
Confused about different AI options and their privacy settings?
Worried your data might be leaked through AI model training?
With Hippo, you get the power of AI on your data without compromise. Our private AI service ensures your data remains secure and is NEVER used for AI model training.

You control your data - Hippo can be customised to your business needs, including where your sensitive data rests.

Hippo Pricing

Secure Data
Conversation History
Queries per Month
1 million
White Labelled
Installed on your cloud/premises
Free Trial
1 week
$30 / month
(Subscribe for 12 months and get 2 months free!)
*Pricing in AUD, exclusive of GST*Please note that all transactions through our secure gateway are processed in USD. Your bank or card issuer may charge a foreign conversion transaction fee.

Why choose Hippo?

World-Class AI Technology: backed by the reliability of secure enterprise cloud.
Data Privacy Assurance: Your data remains confidential and secure. Guaranteed.
Customizable Solutions: Tailored for businesses with unique requirements.
User-Friendly Design: Simple interface designed for use by small-medium businesses.
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